Waaia Yalca South Primary School

1 Cowan St Waaia 3637

Upgrade and Modernisation

  • Start

    Q4 2020
  • Planning

  • Design

  • Construction

  • Finish

    Q4 2022

The above dates are forecast only and subject to change.

About the project

We upgraded and modernised the school. This included:

  • improving building insulation and air flow
  • building accessibility ramps to the main block
  • upgrading the toilets
  • landscaping works, with new garden beds and benches.


In the 2020–21 State Budget, the school received $778,000.

Funding type

  • Upgrade and Modernisation

School Pride and Sports Fund, Planned Maintenance Program

  • Start

  • Planning

  • Design

  • Construction

  • Finish

The above dates are forecast only and subject to change.

About the project

We refurbished student bathrooms and staff offices at the school.


In the 2016–17 State Budget, $60,000 was allocated to the school from the School Pride and Sports Fund.

Funding types

  • School Pride and Sports Fund
  • Planned Maintenance Program
