- Status:
- Closed
- Who can apply:
- Not-for-profit groups, government
- Funding:
- $0 - $750,000
Applications are now closed.
The Building Blocks Improvement stream offers grants to help kindergartens refurbish or renovate early childhood buildings and facilities, and purchase information technology to assist the delivery of educational programs and service administration.
Funding is designed to:
- renovate or refurbish facilities to improve the quality of learning environments for kindergarten children.
- deliver small renovations and refurbishments to early learning facilities.
- purchase IT equipment or televisions for administration or learning programs.
Projects must be for a kindergarten in Victoria that is, or will be, licensed to provide a funded Three and Four-Year-Old Kindergarten program for 4 years from project completion. The kindergarten must offer, or intend to offer, both programs. This can be sessional or integrated with long day care.
Categories of grants
- Early Learning Facility Upgrade: This category provides funding up to $750,000 for renovating or refurbishing facilities to improve the quality of learning environments for kindergarten children.
- Minor Infrastructure: These are 'minor grants' up to $150,000 for small renovations and refurbishments to early learning facilities.
- Information Technology: These are grants of up to $2,000 for purchasing IT equipment or televisions for administration or learning programs.
Building Blocks Grants replaces previous grants schemes – the Children's Facilities Capital Program and the Inclusive Kindergartens Facilities Program.
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The Building Blocks grants support the Victorian Government's unprecedented reform and funding of early childhood education.
The grants are funding a massive program of building, modernising, and expanding kindergartens across the state.
This work, backed by new partnerships and record investment, means all Victorian children can now get 2 years of free kinder.
The reforms, and the benefits they bring, will continue to expand over the next few years.
Victorian 3-year-olds can now get at least 5 hours of kindergarten a week. That increases to 15 hours by 2029. Also, from 2025 to 2036, Four-Year-Old Kindergarten will transition to Pre-Prep – doubling play-based learning for every 4-year-old child in Victoria to 30 hours a week.
The government has invested $2.7 billion to work in partnership with local councils and early learning providers to build the kindergartens we need for these important reforms.
Building Blocks grants are key to identifying the best projects to realise the government’s vision and achieve best value for this significant public investment.
In particular, the Improvement Grants stream outlined below is helping our kindergartens upgrade, refurbish and renovate their early learning facilities so children can learn in a quality learning environment. Grants are also available to help services purchase new IT equipment or televisions to support administration or learning programs.
See What Type of Grant Can I Apply For? below for further details on the funding streams and amounts available.
There are three categories of grants under the Building Blocks Improvement stream:
- Early Learning Facility Upgrade
- Minor Infrastructure
- Information Technology
Early Learning Facility Upgrade grant
Purpose Early Learning Facility Upgrade grants can be used by existing eligible early years facilities offering a funded three and four-year-old program to upgrade or renovate facilities. Funding available Up to $750,000 per grant (GST exclusive)
Note: applications require 2 quotes from a qualified professional for projects less than $200,000 OR 1 Quantity Surveyor (QS) report for projects over $200,000 or more*.
Co-contribution Grants over $150,000 require a co-contribution. Project completion/acquittal Within 12 months of executing a Victorian Common Funding Agreement (VCFA) with the Department of Education (DE). Payment of grants Payments are provided in four milestone payments. *QS report not required for projects proposed on DE land.
Minor Infrastructure grant
Purpose Minor Infrastructure grants can be used by existing eligible early years facilities offering a funded three and four-year-old program to upgrade or renovate facilities. Funding available Up to $150,000 per grant (GST exclusive)
Note: applications require 2 quotes from a qualified professional for projects less than $200,000 OR 1 QS report for projects over $200,000 or more*.
Co-contribution Grants under $150,000 do not require a co-contribution. Project completion/acquittal Within 12 months of executing a VCFA with DE. Payment of grants Payments are provided in two milestone payments. *QS report not required for projects proposed on DE land.
Information Technology grant
Purpose Information Technology grants support the purchase of desktop, laptop or tablet computers and televisions for use in the delivery of educational programs or service administration. Funding available Up to $2,000 per grant (GST exclusive)
Note: a provider can apply for up to 20 IT applications for 20 services on 1 form. Noting each service is eligible for 1 IT grant only.
Co-contribution Applicants do not have to co-contribute. Project completion/acquittal Within 6 months of executing a VCFA with DE. Payment of grants Payments are provided in one upfront instalment. Funding agreements must be signed and submitted by an authorised officer of the organisation no later than 4 weeks after receipt. Early Learning Facility Upgrades and Minor Infrastructure
What can be funded What cannot be funded - external project management costs*
- planning and design costs that result in a completed playground or building upgrade
- site preparation, including clearing or demolition (if the project will be on land owned by DE, please contact the VSBA before applying to confirm how these costs can be funded)
- construction and commissioning
- landscaping and car parking
- fixed fittings and fixed equipment
- a soil contamination assessment, completed before the application is submitted*
- a Division 6 Asbestos Audit Assessment completed before the application is submitted*
- removal of contaminates on project sites* (e.g., asbestos/ arsenic)
- routine or cyclical maintenance works
- upgrades that do not increase capacity
- site acquisition and lease costs
- planning and design costs that do not result in a completed playground or building upgrade
- purchase of cars, buses, and other vehicles
- ongoing administration or operational costs including volunteer committee costs, staff salaries and training**
- toys, portable equipment, and consumables
- movable electronic devices such as kitchen and garden appliances
- IT equipment such as laptops, tablets and installed interactive screens
- removal of contaminates on project sites (e.g. asbestos/ arsenic, lead), following announcement of the grant
- additional funding due to project cost overruns
- reimbursement for work already started or completed
*Provided it is within scope of the state’s financial contribution for this grant stream and costs are included at application stage
**Staff salaries may be eligible where these apply to new roles which engage staff for the exclusive purpose of project management.
Information technology
What can be funded What cannot be funded - desktop computers
- laptop computers
- tablet computers
- televisions
- accessories* which may include:
- cables and adaptors
- consumables (e.g., data charges for tablets)
- headphones
- devices for content streaming (e.g. Apple TV, Chromecast)
- data projectors and projector screens
- digital cameras
- docking stations
- keyboards and mice
- modems, routers or access points for Wi-Fi or cabled networking
- printers, photocopiers and multi-function devices
- protective cases and laptop bags
- software and apps (including cards for online app stores)
- wall brackets for TVs
- transport, installation and training required for specific new equipment.
- applications solely for software
- applications for software training
- mobile phones
- bee-bots, blue-bots, or similar programmable robotics
- leased equipment (e.g., printers)
- cabling or items requiring installation which disturbs building materials
*Funding for accessories may be requested so long as most of the proposed purchase is for desktop, laptop, or tablet computers and/or televisions, and the accessory relates to the major purchase and is for use as part of the learning program or for administrative use.
The Building Blocks Improvement stream will not fund projects that:
- are not located at a funded kindergarten service(s) at time of application
- are not at facilities which offer (or are intending to offer) both Three and Four-Year-Old Funded Kindergarten programs
- are located outside Victoria
- do not align with the program objectives
- do not meet the requirements outlined in these guidelines
- do not meet the assessment criteria or include all the required costings and documentation (such as soil, asbestos or QS reports) at time of application
- have already started, or been completed (i.e., retrospective funding)
Your organisation can apply if it is:
- a Victorian local government (Council)
- a not-for-profit community organisation that is a legal entity (for example, an incorporated association, incorporated cooperative, or Indigenous corporation)
- a Victorian government school
- a Victorian non-government school registered with the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority or Victorian Catholic Education Authority.
Victorian kindergarten providers with a funded kindergarten service at the time of application are eligible to receive funding. For-profit organisations cannot apply for any grant streams within Building Blocks.
If you propose an Early Learning Facility Upgrade or Minor Infrastructure project on land owned by DE, you must contact the VSBA Early Childhood Grants team as early as possible during the development of your proposal to discuss the approach to land and project delivery.
The VSBA Early Childhood Grants team can be contacted by email: building.blocks@education.vic.gov.au.
Applications for projects on DE land must include:
- a completed Land Use Proposal Form, which can be found on the Early Childhood grants page, under the section "Projects on Department of Education land"
- a copy of any existing lease or agreement between relevant parties
- a detailed design of your proposal
- 2 quotes from a qualified professional
If the project is located on DE land, the VSBA will procure a QS report and, where necessary, a division 6 asbestos report and soil hygiene report.
Successful grant recipients must also enter into a lease agreement with DE (if not already) in addition to their VCFA.
Attendance of a building professional at your facility is not a guarantee that your project will be funded.
Further information on these requirements can be found in the frequently asked questions.
DE will not consider late or incomplete applications.
Please refer to the Building Blocks Improvement Assessment Factsheet and Application Checklist before preparing your application. Applicants must not enter into a contract or commence any works proposed in an application until a VCFA has been executed with DE.
Merit assessment criteria
Funding recommendations will be based on the extent to which you can demonstrate that your project addresses the following assessment criteria. These are weighted according to specified percentages, which align with Building Blocks Improvement stream objectives:
Early Learning Facility Upgrades
- demonstrate how the proposed works improves the learning environment and access to high quality early childhood services (40%)
- delivers a quality kindergarten program that responds to projected demand for funded kindergarten places (20%)
- demonstrate access for children of all abilities (15%)
- incorporate environmentally-sustainable design (15%)
- demonstrate project readiness, including provision of all required documentation and overall completeness of the application (10%).
Minor Infrastructure
- demonstrate how the proposed works improves the learning environment and access to high quality early childhood services (50%)
- the proposed project facilitates access for children of all abilities (20%)
- the proposed project adheres to environmental sustainability principles, and includes environmentally-sustainable features, in design or construction where possible (20%)
- confirmation the project is ready to commence construction (10%).
Information Technology
- demonstrate how the proposed purchase will be used to provide educational benefits to the service (100%).
Past performance
DE will assess the applicant’s past performance to determine whether this is likely to have an impact on the successful delivery of the proposed project. Considerations include:
- timely delivery of former Building Blocks grants awarded to the organisation
- active projects funded via the Building Blocks program and whether time extensions have been requested and approved
- submission and compliance of mandatory monthly reports to DE
- providing all documentation required to acquit the grant within the contracted time frame, and/or
- taking the appropriate measures to inform DE when an unforeseen circumstance occurs, that could result in a time, cost, or scope change
Poor performance against these factors can result in projects not being recommended for funding.
Soil and Asbestos Reports
To understand when these reports are required, please read the Improvement Assessment Factsheet, the Application Checklist, the Soil Hygienist Report and Division 6 Asbestos Audit Report sections below.
Recommended Projects
Following the assessment process, DE provides a list of recommended projects to the Minister for Children for approval. The Minister makes the final determination with respect to funding. Applicants will be advised of any prolonged delays in notification of grant outcomes.
Projects will be recommended for funding primarily on their rating against the Assessment Criteria; however, the VSBA will consider other factors including:
- the availability of funding, noting that the number and value of eligible, highly-rated projects may exceed the total available funding
- an application increases approved kindergarten places
- the proposed project is deemed critical to the operation of the facility
- whether a service is in an area of demand or an area of projected demand for funded kindergarten places, and
- whether a service has received recent Building Blocks grant funding
The Minister reserves the right to provide strategic investment to projects. The Minister may also, on advice from DE, provide funding to partners in exceptional circumstances to support the provision of funded Three- and Four-Year-Old Kindergarten services across the state.
Organisations that receive a grant must:
- agree to the requirements outlined in these guidelines (failure to do so may result in funding being withheld)
- enter into a VCFA with DE
- where applicable, follow the Building Blocks Acknowledgement and Publicity Guidelines, including:
- liaising with DE and holding events on request, such as sod turns and openings
- erecting signage for projects valued at over $250,000
- offering the government’s representative the opportunity to attend and open the completed project, as well as any project-related events, noting that 3 months’ notice must be given for sod turns and official openings, by contacting building.blocks@education.vic.gov.au.
- submit monthly progress reports through an online reporting system (more on this in ‘Project reporting requirements).
- submit an acquittal form and the required supporting evidence for approval by DE upon completion of the project.
- agree that no additional DE funding will be allocated to the proposed project and, if additional costs arise, they must be met by the applicant.
For more information on reporting and acquittal requirements, please refer to the Project requirements section below.
To remain eligible for funding, you must not enter a contract or commence any works proposed in your application before we inform you of the application outcome.
Before submitting your application, we encourage you to review the following documents which further clarify your obligations for receiving Building Blocks funding:
The Betrayal of Trust Report found that survivors of institutional child abuse were sometimes unable to identify an appropriate legal entity to sue.
The Royal Commission into Institutional Responses to Child Sexual Abuse also recommended that governments consider requiring organisations they fund to be insured against child abuse.
From 1 July 2019, non-government organisations funded by the Victorian Government to deliver services to children will be required, as a condition of funding, to be:
- incorporated separate legal entities that can be sued in their own right in child abuse proceedings
- appropriately insured against child abuse
The new requirements will improve the ability of child abuse survivors to bring a legal claim for compensation and ensure that successful claims can be paid.
There are other grant programs that provide funding for the development of early childhood facilities and services. DE must be advised of other funding applications for your project. We reserve the right to consider grant applications made for other programs, offered by DE or other government departments, and to submit Improvement stream applications to government grant programs for consideration for funding under those programs where appropriate.
Project management requirements
For Early Learning Facility Upgrades and Minor Infrastructure grants, a qualified and experienced project manager must be identified at the time of application and appointed within 4 weeks of the funding announcement.
Project reporting requirements
As a condition of funding for Early Learning Facility Upgrades and Minor Infrastructure grants, successful applicants must comply with project monitoring and reporting requirements, including:
- monthly status reports through an online reporting system to provide an update on progress, updating proposed, forecast, and actual dates for project milestones, flagging risks and issues, and providing the required evidence when payment milestones have been met
- advising DE in advance of key milestones including architect appointment, design completion, sod turn and construction completion and providing opportunities for public communication of these milestones
- advising DE of scope changes (relating to time, cost, and project scope) by completing and submitting a Request for Variation (RFV) form via an online reporting system
- site inspections, meetings and teleconferences with DE staff or representatives if required
- production of building contracts, receipts and/or invoices when requested
- acquittal through an online reporting system
As a condition of funding for Information Technology grants, successful applicants must comply with project monitoring and reporting requirements, including:
- advising DE of scope changes (relating to time, cost, and project scope) by completing and submitting a RFV form via an online reporting system
- site inspections, meetings and teleconferences with DE staff or representatives if required.
- production of receipts and/or invoices when requested.
- acquittal through an online reporting system.
Acquittal requirements and project variations
All successful applicants are required to upload information into DE’s reporting system to complete their acquittal.
Recipient organisations must contact DE immediately if they:
- Require a project extension
- Propose a change in project scope
- Propose a change in project costs which results in either an overspend or underspend.
Applicants will be required to complete a RFV (which will be submitted through an online reporting system), together with detailed evidence that explains the reason for the variation. The applicant will be asked to allocate any underspend towards additional eligible items in line with the guidelines before an acquittal is accepted. Overspends remain the responsibility of the organisation.
Further information on acquittal requirements and variation requests can be found in the frequently asked questions.
Application forms can be accessed online through SmartyGrants. Applicants must be registered to use the Smarty Grants application system. Registration is free.
For assistance with the online application system, please email the Smarty Grants Support Desk or call on 03 9320 6888 between 9am and 5pm Monday to Friday. You can also consult the help guide.
Early Learning Facility Upgrade and Minor Infrastructure Checklist
Evidence Description Considered responses to selection criteria Responses must demonstrate how the project will meet these criteria Written confirmation of co-contribution (if applicable) Authorised written confirmation from the applicant and all other funding organisations including contributions from the Federal Government, Victorian Government, local government, or other sources Builders quotes and/or Quantity Surveyor Report, including a minimum 15% contingency in project quotes (GST exclusive) For projects under $200,000 – Two appropriate cost estimates from a building professional registered for a trade that is consistent with the scope of the proposed works,
For projects $200,000 or more – One Quantity Surveyor report from a registered Quantity Surveyor is required for building projects*. Projects on land owned by the Department valued at over $200,000 are not required to obtain a QS report**
Supplier quote (GST exclusive) One appropriate cost estimate from a registered supplier that is consistent with the scope of the proposed works are required for a total project cost Project Budget (GST exclusive) A budget (i.e. a simple excel or word document) including a clear and accurately itemised table of Total Project Costs according to the quote/s provided (GST exclusive) and requested funding amount, which will be the total project cost minus any co-contribution Soil Contaminates Report (if applicable) Where soil works, including playground upgrades, will be conducted, a Tier 1 preliminary soil assessment report, from a qualified Soil Hygienist. This must include testing for contaminates. Projects on land owned by the Department are not required to provide this**. Asbestos Report (if applicable) A Division 6 Asbestos Audit Report is required where the fabric of the building is being disturbed. Projects on land owned by the Department are not required to provide this**. Designs, Plans and Permits Professional schematic design drawings and/or site plans to illustrate what parts of the land or building will be changed by the project Project Plan A plan (i.e. a simple excel or word document) to support the dates nominated in the application for stages of the project Affected services If your project will directly affect service providers currently operating at the facility or providers of services in the area that would be relocated to the new facility, evidence that you have consulted with these providers such as letters of support or documented outcomes of consultation. Not-for-Profit Status* Evidence of not-for-profit status (such as a copy of your Australian Business Number, registration as a not-for-profit, certificate of registration as charity, or a certificate of registration as an incorporated association) Signed financial Statements* A signed certified accountant’s confirmation of the applicant’s last two years financial statements as evidence of financial solvency for the last two years Local Government Endorsement* Provide a letter of support for this project from the CEO of the Local Government Area (or authorised delegate), dated within three months of your application closing date Auspice Arrangement* If an auspice arrangement is proposed, written confirmation from the auspice party is required Evidence of Land ownership
Note: If the land is owned by the Department of Education, you must complete a Land Use Proposal Form
The type of evidence required depends on who owns the land. Evidence of the following must be provided:
- building ownership
- authorisation to build on the site
- intention to operate a facility for at least 4 years after completing the project
- land ownership
Land Ownership Required Evidence
If you own the land for your nominated project site, you can provide a copy of the land title, LANDATA documents or council rates notice showing your organisation’s name and the service address.
If the local government or a third party own the land, you must provide a copy of the title with project address and owners name as well as the current lease with an end date at least 4 years after completing the project:
- If the current lease will end earlier than four years from the date that the CFA is signed, the applicant will need to provide a letter from the landowner stating they intend to allow the facility to operate as a kindergarten for at least 4 years after completing the project.
- We also require signed, written approval to undertake the works (on letterhead of the organisation) from the landowner.
Where the landowner is not the building owner, the applicant needs to provide evidence of:
- title of building ownership
- permission to undertake works
- authorisation for the applicant to use the building to operate a kindergarten for 4 years after completing the project.
Information Technology Checklist
Evidence Description Considered responses to selection criteria Responses must demonstrate how the project will meet these criteria Written confirmation of co-contribution (if applicable) Authorised written confirmation from the applicant and all other funding organisations including contributions from the Federal Government, Victorian Government, local government, or other sources Supplier quote (GST exclusive) One appropriate cost estimate from a registered supplier that is consistent with the scope of the proposed works are required for a total project cost Not-for-Profit Status* Evidence of not-for-profit status (such as a copy of your Australian Business Number, registration as a not-for-profit, certificate of registration as charity, or a certificate of registration as an incorporated association) Auspice Arrangement* If an auspice arrangement is proposed, written confirmation from the auspice party is required Note: Items marked with an Asterix (*) are ONLY required if you are a not-for-profit or non-government school.
**For kindergartens located on a government school site or land owned by the Department of Education, applicants will not be required to obtain the necessary Quantity Surveyor report, Asbestos Division 6 Report or Soil Hygeine report. The VSBA will obtain the relevant reports on the applicant’s behalf after applications close.
After the closing date for applications has passed, the department will check to confirm that applications meet the following eligibility requirements:
- all required documentation has been provided (refer to Application Checklist section above)
- assess all eligible applications against the assessment criteria
- convene an assessment panel to oversee recommendations and manage any conflicts of interest
We may also undertake further project cost assessment in instances where project costs are particularly complex, or clarification is required.
Projects will be recommended for funding primarily on their rating against the Assessment Criteria; however, subject to budget availability and volume of applications received, the Department may prioritise applications from eligible organisations that:
- increase/maintain capacity in areas of demand
- demonstrate compliant past performance and successful delivery of former projects funded under Building Blocks grants, and
- are deemed critical to the facility remaining operational
We will not consider late or incomplete applications.
A Soil Hygienist Report is required for any project that disturbs the soil (including installation of outdoor shade sails) to determine the suitability of the site for the proposed purpose of an early learning centre. It is important that an environmental professional is engaged to provide a Soil Hygienist Report – and not a geotechnical report. If applicable, a Soil Hygienist Report must be included in your grant application.
Soil Hygienist Reports must:
- be performed by a qualified environmental professional
- align with standards such as the National Environmental Protection (Assessment of Contaminated Sites) Measure (NEPM)
- involve a desktop review of past site history and soil investigation samples for analysis of contaminants such as arsenic, asbestos, and heavy metals with particular focus on where project soil works are proposed
- compare contamination results against NEPM human health and ecological investigation levels as well as Victoria EPA Industrial Waste thresholds
- include a statement to indicate if the site is suitable for the intended use as an early learning centre and/or potential project risks
- specify if contaminated soil is identified above the levels specified for the intended use as an early learning centre.
If contaminated soil is identified above the levels specified for the intended use as an early learning centre, recommendations for a soil management plan must be developed (e.g. for safe management or removal and disposal of the contaminated soil) and provided as part of your grant application. Examples of consultants who specialise in soil hygienist testing and site assessment, are listed below:
- The Australian Contaminated Land Consultants Association
- The State Government Construction Supply Register under Contamination Testing category
A Division 6 Asbestos Audit Report is site specific and is required for any project that involves work to a building constructed before 1990, where the fabric of the building will be disturbed. If applicable, a Division 6 Asbestos Audit Report must be included in your grant application.
Division 6 Asbestos Audit Reports must:
- be performed by a trained professional such as an Occupational Hygienist
- contain the results of a visual and invasive inspection of a building to monitor and identify Asbestos Containing Material (ACM)
- include the logged results of the asbestos audit in an asbestos register, which is to be updated following all subsequent audit reports and removal works
Please note that a Division 5 Asbestos Audit Report will not be accepted.
If ACM is discovered in a building or site, an asbestos management, removal, and disposal plan must be developed and provided as part of your grant application. Information and examples of consultants who specialises in asbestos and site assessment, are listed at:
- The State Government Construction Supply Register under Contamination Testing category
- WorkSafe Victoria
Division 6 Asbestos Audit Reports are not required for works to buildings constructed from 1990 onwards. Where this is the case, an applicant is required to provide:
- an asbestos report (if one is available) or evidence, such as an occupancy permit or statement from the landowner that the building is not older than 1990
- a letter signed by an authorised representative of the organisation that confirms the applicant will be responsible for any remediation and ongoing management should ACM or other contaminants be discovered during works undertaken at the site
For further information about asbestos safety, including how to find and identify asbestos, asbestos management and asbestos disposal visit Asbestos Victoria.
If you are unsuccessful in obtaining funding for a Building Blocks Improvement grant you may:
- contact the Early Childhood Grants team for feedback on your application and outcome
- seek a review into the assessment of your application.
The VSBA Early Childhood Grants team can be contacted by emailing building.blocks@education.vic.gov.au
The following links are provided as a starting point for considering best practice approaches to inclusion. Applicants are encouraged to undertake their own research to identify solutions that will meet their needs.
- Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority:
National Quality Framework - Department of Education:
Disability Standards for Education
Victorian Early Years Learning and Development Framework
International Resources
Centre for Excellence in Universal Design The 7 Principles of Universal Design National Centre on Universal Design for Learning Universal Design Guidelines for Learning The Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development (OECD) Including Pupils with Special Educational Needs in Schools in Ireland (OECD) UNICEF The State of the World’s Children - Playgrounds of Inclusion Beyond Blue Universal Design for Learning Special Education Degrees Guide 30 Most Impressive Accessible and Inclusive Playgrounds - Australian Children’s Education & Care Quality Authority:
Before applying, please read the Improvement Assessment Factsheet below, and Application Checklist. This factsheet contains important information about your grant application. Please also read the frequently asked questions.
If you have any queries, contact the VSBA Early Childhood Grants team by emailing building.blocks@education.vic.gov.au
Information privacy
The information you provide will be dealt with in accordance with the Public Records Act 1973 and the Privacy and Data Protection Act 2014.