Greener Government School Buildings Program

The Victorian Government is establishing itself as a climate change leader and has set an ultimate goal of net zero emissions by 2045.

Who can apply:
Government schools

Round 4 of the Greener Government School Buildings program is now closed.

The Victorian Government has set a goal of net zero greenhouse gas emissions by 2045. To support this goal, the government established the Greener Government School Buildings program to help schools become more sustainable. We're doing this by helping schools install solar power systems to generate renewable energy.

Our program funds the installation of solar power systems. Schools pay the cost of the system back over 5 years. Once paid back, schools retain 50% of the savings.

Schools gain the benefits of the solar power system over time. These include lower electricity bills and helping the environment by reducing the school's carbon footprint.

In total, 404 schools are currently taking part in the Greener Government School Buildings program. Once fully implemented, the program is expected to annually:

  • achieve a total installed capacity of 16,200 kilowatts across the school portfolio – enough to generate renewable electricity to power approximately 2,000 houses
  • reduce greenhouse gas emissions by more than 21,900 tonnes – the same as removing over 3,600 cars off the road
  • save schools more than $4.5 million on their power bills.

For further information or to request copies of the program guidance, factsheet or frequently asked questions, please email the VSBA at

