Small Schools Program

The Small Schools Program provides support to small rural and regional schools. It helps them manage their:

  • facilities maintenance
  • occupational health and safety compliance
  • return to work obligations.

The program commenced in 2022 after a successful pilot. It has been rolled out to more than 300 rural and regional schools across the state.

It is a joint program of the Victorian School Building Authority and the Department of Education Employee Health, Safety and Wellbeing Division.

Maintaining buildings and grounds is an important responsibility shared with every school. The VSBA oversees larger building projects. Senior school staff manage smaller works and routine maintenance with the VSBA’s support.

The Small Schools Program aims to reduce some of this administrative workload. It does this by increasing a school's capability and knowledge of facilities maintenance. It also assists with compliance obligations.

Schools in the program work with a coordinator. They are available to assist with school buildings and grounds maintenance. They also assist with rectification and compliance of occupational health and safety tasks. Where required, schools are also able to receive support from a return-to-work coordinator.

Schools were eligible based on their enrolment figures at the start of the program. Schools in the program have enrolments of no more than:

  • 100 for primary schools
  • 400 for secondary or P–12 schools
  • 45 for specialist schools.

For more information, contact the Small Schools Program at

Participating schools

Schools in the program were selected based on regional boundaries, location and enrolment numbers.
