Alamanda K-9 College – new building

The only audio on this video is backing music.

This video is an illustrated, animated fly-through of the design for a new building at the school.

[On-screen text]

Alamanda K-9 College

Upgrade and modernisation

The video pans across a grassy exterior, and past some benches towards the front of the school building.

We enter through some doors and see a large open tiered seating area to the right, with stairs leading up to the first floor.

The video rises to the second floor, and down a walkway overlooking the stairs, with classrooms along the right side.

Then we pan down again to the ground floor, going along the hallway opposite the initial landing area, and see classrooms and specialist spaces on the right and left.

We go through doors back outside, and pan up to the roof of the building, showing terrace areas with benches and tables.

The video ends with the Victorian School Building Authority logo and website URL (

[On-screen text: Authorised by The Victorian School Building Authority, 33 St Andrews Place, East Melbourne]

[Transcript ends]
