Mossfiel Integrated Family Centre | modular kinder installation

[upbeat music plays throughout]

We see an aerial shot of a white modular building being lowered by a crane onto a construction site. Around the site we can see surrounding roads and housing.

[On-screen text: Mossfield Integrated Family Centre (interim name)]

The camera rotates around the construction site.

[On-screen text: Modular kinder installation, Building Blocks Partnership]

We see construction workers lowering the modular building onto the ground.

We see another modular structure being lowered into position next to the other.

The camera shifts to a birds-eye view of the site and pans away.

We see a construction worker on the roof of one of the modular buildings while others work on the foundations.

A white background appears with the Wyndham City Council, VSBA and Victoria State Government logos.

[On-screen text:]

A black background appears and white text appears.

[On-screen text: Authorised by The Victorian School Building Authority, 33 St Andrews Place, East Melbourne]

[Transcript ends]
