North Melbourne Primary School (new campus) – virtual tour

Title: North Melbourne Primary School (new campus) – virtual tour

Producer: Victorian School Building Authority

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North Melbourne Primary School

new campus

Opening 2023

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We acknowledge the Traditional Custodians of the country upon which we live and learn.

We acknowledge all Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders

and we pay our respects to Elders, past, present, and emerging.

We recognise and respect their cultural heritage, beliefs, and relationship to the land.

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Satellite image of North Melbourne shows the location of the North Melbourne Primary School and North Melbourne Primary School (New Campus) as well as surrounding tram routes with tram stops. It also shows nearby stations: Flemington Bridge, Macaulay Station, North Melbourne Station.

It later identifies further locations: Royal Park, Royal Children’s Hospital, North Melbourne Community Centre, Clayton Reserve, Arden Street Sports and Recreation Precinct, Gardener Reserve, Pleasance Gardens, Errol Street Reserve. North Melbourne Library, Errol Street Village, The University of Melbourne.

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Adjacent to the Campus, Homes Victoria is delivering 133 new social homes plus 174 private homes.

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An artist impression of North Melbourne Primary School (New Campus) inserted into the satellite image. The image is marked up with the campus’ entries: Welcome Entry, Hardwicke Street Gymnasium Entry, Ground Level Play Space Entry.

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Six different entries will provide easy access from various areas in North Melbourne

Encourages walking, cycling, and public transport to and from school

Bike parking on Molesworth and Hardwicke Street entries

Multiple entries will distribute flow into and out of school

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The video begins to track around the school, showing the school as it appears outside from the outside

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Molesworth Street

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Shows a render of the school from the perspective of a person. Noting the: play space entry, kindergarten and gymnasium entry, meeting space, visitor entry.

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Dedicated kindergarten and community hub entries will allow for safe

out-of-hours access to the gymnasium and kindergarten facilities

Covered meeting space for convenient student pick-up and drop-off

[On-screen graphics]

The perspective changes to a birds-eye angled shot of the school highlighting the outdoor facilities, noting the: slides and climbing wall, basketball half court, bike parking, Hardwicke Street entry, outdoor performances and spectator seating, compact playing field, sandpit and shade structure, adventure path, nature play.

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Outdoor facilities

Ground level play space

Over 80 new trees and 3000 plants will provide extensive shade, nature play and privacy

Diverse choice of play experiences will range from mini playing field, basketball half court, nature ploy, climbing structure, scrambling walls and sand pit

Universal design with ramp access provides inclusive environments for all, indoors and out

Designed to share with community


[On-screen graphics]

The perspective doesn’t change but now focuses on the level 1 play space of the building rather than ground floor. It notes the following locations: kindergarten outdoor learning, shade structure and seating plinth, kitchen garden and bush tucker, rubber climbing mounds, basketball tree and half court, netball hoop, stair link.

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Outdoor facilities

Level 1 play space

Large level 1 play space will include a multipurpose sports area, basketball and netball hoops, informal seating, play mounding and plinth with shade

Level 1 kitchen garden can be used for cooking and outdoor learning activities

Campus building located to maximise play space and sunlight for student wellbeing and learning

[On-screen graphics]

Shows a 3-D internal map of the ground level with the following locations marked: administration, kindergarten and community hub entry, amenities, lifts, visitor entry, performance and presentation, grand stair, the nest(library), meeting zone, welcome entry, community hub.

[On-screen text]

Ground level

Wominjeka – Welcome

The names, colours and graphics on each level are based on Indigenous ecosystems and stories.

Many design themes in the building have been inspired by Boonwurrung Elder N'arwee't Dr Carolyn Briggs, author of children's books Bundji/ Creation Story and Barraeemal Story.

[On-screen graphics]

Shows a 3-D internal map of level 1 with the following locations marked: general learning environment, food technology, staff work, informal learning, lifts, canteen, amenities, grand stair, specialist learning.

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Level 1

Wilam - Home

[On-screen graphics]

Shows a 3-D internal map of level 2 with the following locations marked: learning environment 1, welcome landing, lifts, amenities, staff work, grand stair, learning environment 2.

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Wurneet - Waterways

[On-screen graphics]

Shows a 3-D internal map of level 3 with the following locations marked: learning environment 1, lifts, welcome landing, amenities, grand stair, staff work, learning environment.

[On-screen text]

Level 3

Biik Biik - Land

[On-screen graphics]

Shows a 3-D internal map of level 4 with the following locations marked: learning environment 1, lifts, welcome landing, amenities, grand stair, staff work, learning environment.

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Wurru - Sky

[On-screen graphics]

Shows a 3-D internal map of level 5 with the following locations marked: kindergarten, kitchen, children’s toilets, kindergarten, administration.

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Level 5

Bunjil – Eagle

[On-screen graphics]

Shows the outdoor ground level play space from the perspective of a person.

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Outdoor facilities

Ground level play space

Over 80 new trees and 3000 plants will provide extensive shade, nature play and privacy

Diverse choice of play experiences will range from mini playing field, basketball half court, nature play, climbing structure, scrambling walls and sand pit

Universal design with ramp access provides inclusive environments for all, indoors and out

Designed to share with community


[On-screen graphics]

Shows the Welcome entry from the perspective of a person within the building.

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Welcome entry

Main entry for students and parents during pick-up and drop-off, located on Molesworth Street

[On-screen graphics]

Shows the level 1 play space from the perspective of a person.

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Outdoor facilities

Level 1 play space

Large level 1 play space will include a multipurpose sports area, basketball and netball hoops, informal seating, play mounding and plinth with shade

Level 1 kitchen garden can be used for cooking and outdoor learning activities

Campus building located to maximise play space and sunlight for student wellbeing and learning

[On-screen graphics]

Shows the Future laneway play space entry from the perspective of a person standing in the lane.

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Future laneway

Play space entry

Play space entry connecting future laneway to the new campus

[On-screen graphics]

Shows the Future laneway gymnasium and kindergarten entry from the perspective of a person standing in the lane.

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Future laneway

Gymnasium and kindergarten entry

Dedicated kindergarten and gymnasium entry from future laneway will enable easy out-of-hours access to these amenities

[On-screen graphics]

Shows the ground level Entry Wominjeka – Welcome from the perspective of a person standing within the building.

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Ground level Entry Wominjeka - Welcome

Visitor entry and school reception area with direct access to Molesworth Street

[On-screen graphics]

Shows the ground level stair Wominjeka – Welcome from the perspective of a person standing within the building.

[On-screen text]

Ground level Grand stair Wominjeka – Welcome

Grand stair will link all classroom environments to specialist spaces and outdoor learning

All indoor and outdoor spaces will be accessible by lift as required

[On-screen graphics]

Shows ground level Gathering and performance Teerrenddeerr - Emu's egg from the perspective of someone standing within the building.

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Ground level Gathering and performance

Teerrenddeerr - Emu's egg

Shared gathering and performance space at the heart of the school

Direct connection to the music room will cater for small performances and assemblies

[On-screen graphics]

Shows ground level Library the Nest from the perspective of someone standing within the building.

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Ground level Library The Nest

Central resources hub

Connects indoor and outdoor learning

Provides 21st century learning opportunities and a welcoming place to hang out

[On-screen graphics]

Shows lower ground level Community hub and kindergarten entry from the perspective of someone standing within the building.

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Lower ground level

Community hub and kindergarten entry

A dedicated kindergarten and community hub entry with direct connection to ground level entry will enable combined kindergarten and primary school children pick-up and drop-off

[On-screen graphics]

Shows Lower ground level Community hub - Foyer from the perspective of someone standing within the building.

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Lower ground level

Community hub – Foyer

Community hub foyer with change and storage facilities

[On-screen graphics]

Shows Lower ground level Community hub - Gymnasium from the perspective of someone standing within the building.

[On-screen text]

Lower ground level

Community hub – Gymnasium

Gymnasium with tiered spectator seating directly connected to ground level play space

Designed to share with community out-of-hours

[On-screen graphics]

Shows Level 1 Learning environments Wilam - Home from the perspective of someone standing within the building.

[On-screen text]

Level 1 Learning environments

Wilam – Home

Informal learning area will serve multiple uses such as food technology, after-hours care, or wet weather activities

Specialist spaces can also be used for after-hours care

[On-screen graphics]

Shows Level 1 Learning environments Wilam - Home from the perspective of someone standing outside the building.

[On-screen text]

Level 1 Learning environments

Wilam – Home

Level 1 shaded outdoor learning space will double as secure after-hours care play area

Canteen near kitchen garden for fresh produce

[On-screen graphics]

Shows Level 2 Learning environments Wurneet - Waterways from the perspective of someone standing inside the building.

[On-screen text]

Level 2 Learning environments

Wurneet – Waterways

Learning environments will offer different space types such as general purpose classrooms and shared common areas

Naming of learning environments and colour palette will foster a sense of place and belonging for children

[On-screen graphics]

Shows Level 3 Learning environments Biik Biik - Land from the perspective of someone standing inside the building.

[On-screen text]

Level 3 Learning environments

Biik Biik - Land

Learning environments will offer different space types such as general purpose classrooms and shared common areas

Naming of learning environments and colour palette will foster a sense of place and belonging for children

[On-screen graphics]

Shows Level 4 Learning environments Wurru - Sky from the perspective of someone standing inside the building.

[On-screen text]

Level 4 Learning environments

Wurru - Sky

Learning environments will offer different space types such as general purpose classrooms and shared common areas

Naming of learning environments and colour palette will foster a sense of place and belonging for children

[On-screen graphics]

Shows Level 5 Kindergarten Bunjil -Eagle from the perspective of someone standing inside the building.

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Level 5 Kindergarten

Bunjil -Eagle

North facing children's rooms will have direct access to external learning space and great natural light

[On-screen graphics]

Shows Level 5 Kindergarten Bunjil -Eagle from the perspective of someone standing outside the building.

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Level 5 Kindergarten

Bunjil -Eagle

External kindergarten learning space will provide sandpit, water, and nature play with direct access to playrooms

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A new campus for North Melbourne Primary School

Helping to meet inner city enrolment demand so

that all local kids can receive a great education close to home

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A graphic shows the number “100” with the phrase “New Schools” overlaying it.

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Victorian School Building Authority and Victoria State Government logos,

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Authorised by

The Victorian School Building Authority

33 St Andrews Place, East Melbourne

