Rumble poles in a supported inclusion school

Supported inclusion schools

Every Victorian student has the right to quality education regardless of their background, personal circumstances or where they live.

That’s why we’re building supported inclusion schools. These schools cater for more students with a disability. This means that kids have greater access to education, and that some can attend school closer to home.

What are supported inclusion schools?

They are government primary and secondary schools that support more students with a disability than typical schools. They have facilities that provide extra support for students with a disability. This means that all students have better access to learning and play areas.

Supported inclusion schools prioritise the learning and support needs of all students, including students who are eligible to attend a specialist school. Resources, including equipment and technology and the physical environment, are carefully considered.

Specialised facilities in these schools may include sensory areas, accessible play spaces and wider corridors. They may also include learning spaces with improved acoustics and lighting.

The design features of supported inclusion schools are not new. We're already using them to make other Victorian public schools more inclusive. We're just taking things to a new level.

Why are we building supported inclusion schools?

Supported inclusion schools enable more students to attend their local school and receive the support and facilities they need. These schools provide learning facilities that are accessible to all students at the one location.

All students benefit when young people of diverse abilities and backgrounds learn together. The benefits extend beyond the classroom. Research shows that inclusive learning settings increase understanding and acceptance of diversity.

How does a supported inclusion school benefit my child's learning?

We've designed supported inclusion schools to meet the learning, wellbeing and support needs of all students. These schools enable greater access and participation for children of all abilities. Research shows that this increases social acceptance and learning outcomes for all.

List of supported inclusion schools

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