Using our logo
You must use the VSBA and Victorian government’s logo in all published or printed materials or signage associated with a funded project. It cannot be altered without permission. These logos are available to download below.
The Victorian School Building Authority logo must always be used in conjunction with the Victoria State Government logo. The VSBA logo and the Victorian Government logo are the property of the Victorian Government. They cannot be used without authorisation.
You must obtain our approval before printing. Email your final PDF artwork to Please allow 2 working days for us to review and provide approval.
You need to ensure that the current Brand Victoria are followed when using the Victorian Government logo on any signage.
Clear space requirements

Clear space is the minimum area required around the logo away from other graphics. It has been defined to maximise the visual impact of the VSBA logo.
Clear space equates to half the height of the Victoria State Government logo. For digital outputs, a minimum of 10px clear space is required.
Minimum size

The recommended minimum size for legibility is 10mm tall.
The recommended minimum size for legibility is 20px tall.
The resolution of the logo should be a minimum of 72dpi and preferably 300dpi. Use the EPS or PNG with transparency file types.
Incorrect use
You must not:
- change the logo colour
- alter the elements of the logo
- apply effects to the logo, such as a drop shadow
- distort the logo
- rotate the logo
- apply the logo to busy or light images
Early childhood projects
You must include the Best Start, Best Life badge lock-up for early childhood projects. You can download this lock-up below.
When using the Victorian School Building Authority brand in a partnership context, careful consideration must be given to sizing and balance. The size relationship of the Victorian School Building Authority logo and the organisations to be endorsed must visually appear balanced.
Ideally the two brandmarks would be positioned separately but in some instances, when required, they are allowed to be positioned next to each other. One should not dominate the other. Ensure that minimum size and clear space guidelines are followed.
The VSBA and Victorian Government logo should not be co-branded with a private company.
Download logo files