- 85 Brighton St Richmond 3121
Upgrade and Modernisation - Building Space for More Students
Q2 2023Planning
Q1 2026
The above dates are forecast only and subject to change.
About the project
We are expanding this school. This will give students broader learning opportunities and create places for an extra 100 local children.
What works are happening?
We are expanding the school with a new multi-storey building. The new building will be on the site of Block B, which we’ll demolish in early 2025.
When are works happening?
We have appointed a builder, and construction will start in early 2025.
Who was consulted?
In developing the design, our architect and their engineering consulting team have worked closely with the school. They have consulted teachers, the principal and the school council. This will ensure the project meets the school’s curriculum needs.
Why do you need to build up?
We are limited by the school boundaries. This means we need to build up, not out, to maintain enough open space for students. The school has emphasised the importance of retaining its open space.
Will students and staff be safe during construction?
Yes. The school will remain open for the duration of the project. The building site will be fenced off, ensuring the safety of all students, staff and residents.
What are the changes to traffic flow and parking arrangements during construction?
We will minimise potential traffic disruptions where possible. The builder may need to work with the local council on a traffic management plan to outline any temporary changes to traffic conditions, road and footpath closures and traffic detours. The builder will communicate with you directly about access or construction impacts.
In the 2023–24 State Budget the school received $15.384 million
Funding type
- Upgrade and Modernisation
Upgrade and Modernisation
Q2 2018Planning
Q2 2019
The above dates are forecast only and subject to change.
About the project
We completed general upgrades and refurbishment at the school. We converted circulation and storage areas into a new classroom as well as refurbishing staff facilities. We also upgraded existing open plan classrooms and a corridor.
In the 2018–19 State Budget $200,000 was allocated to the school. A further $100,000 in School Pride and Sports funding has been allocated.
Funding type
- Upgrade and Modernisation
Inclusive Schools Fund
Q3 2018
The above dates are forecast only and subject to change.
About the project
We built an inclusive, open plan learning space with panelling and speakers that help manage classroom noise. These works benefit the learning and concentration levels of 'at risk' students.
In 2017, the school received $79,200 from Round 3 of the Inclusive Schools Fund.
Funding type
- Inclusive Schools Fund