Pakenham Springs Primary School

5 Livingstone Blvd Pakenham 3810

Minor Capital Works Fund

  • Start

    Q4 2020
  • Planning

  • Design

  • Construction

  • Finish

    Q1 2023

The above dates are forecast only and subject to change.

About the project

We laid synthetic surfacing and installed drainage in the oval so it is usable year-round and in wet weather.


In the 2020 Minor Capital Works Fund, the school was allocated $340,165.

Funding type

  • Minor Capital Works Fund

Inclusive Schools Fund

  • Start

    Q4 2018
  • Planning

  • Design

  • Construction

  • Finish

    Q4 2019

The above dates are forecast only and subject to change.

About the project

We supported the building of an indoor/outdoor space. It includes stations to teach students self-calming and self-management strategies through motion, reading and drawing.


In 2018, $130,000 was allocated to the school in Round 4 of the Inclusive Schools Fund.

Funding type

  • Inclusive Schools Fund
