Pakenham Hills Primary School

15 Kennedy Rd Pakenham 3810

Minor Capital Works Fund

  • Start

    Q4 2020
  • Planning

  • Design

  • Construction

  • Finish

    Q4 2021

The above dates are forecast only and subject to change.

About the project

We helped the school to install new play equipment in two playgrounds, creating an improved play environment.


In the 2020 Minor Capital Works Fund the school was allocated $107,165

Funding type

  • Minor Capital Works Fund

Shared Facilities Fund

  • Start

  • Planning

  • Design

  • Construction

  • Finish

    Q4 2019

The above dates are forecast only and subject to change.

About the project

We built an integrated multi-agency service hub 'Parentzone'. This space is an integrated community hub for parents, children and the broader community.


This school has received a total of $2,309,884 from the Shared Facilities Fund.

Funding type

  • Shared Facilities Fund
