Building Fund for Non-Government Schools – Islamic Schools
The Building Fund for Non-Government Schools helps build and upgrade Islamic schools.
Safe Tree Program
The Safe Tree Program is now open to help schools manage high-risk trees on their grounds.
Australian Government Schools Upgrade Fund Information
The Australian Government's Schools Upgrade Fund (SUF) invests in large building projects.
Building Fund for Non-Government Schools – Catholic
The Building Fund for Non-Government Schools helps build and upgrade Catholic schools.
Building Fund for Non-Government Schools – Independent
The Building Fund for Non-Government Schools helps build and upgrade independent schools.
Capital Works Fund
The Capital Works Fund supports priority building projects to improve the learning environment, condition or character of Victorian schools.
Greener Government School Buildings Program
The Victorian Government is establishing itself as a climate change leader and has set an ultimate goal of net zero emissions by 2045.
Hydrotherapy Pools at Specialist Schools Fund
This fund supports specialist schools to plan, design and build new hydrotherapy pools. It will not support the refurbishment or upgrade of existing hydrotherapy pools.
Inclusive Schools Fund
The Inclusive Schools Fund supported small innovative building projects to meet the educational and social needs of all children and young people, including those with disabilities and additional needs.
Minor Capital Works Fund
The Minor Capital Works Fund (MCWF) supported small but important building projects. These projects improved the learning environment, condition or character of schools.
Planned Maintenance Program
We are committed to ensuring Victorians have access to safe learning spaces. This program gives funding to schools with facilities in the poorest condition.
School Shade Sails Fund
Grants for schools to fund new shade sails over outdoor learning spaces.
Shared Facilities Fund
This program is delivering a range of community infrastructure projects on school sites, including sporting facilities and community hubs.