Meet Nicole O'Brien | Class of 2025

[Upbeat music plays.] 

[A woman with glasses (Nicole O’Brien) wearing a floral dress is sitting down holding a framed photo of herself as a child.] 

Nicole O’Brien: It’s so true! All I wanted was stickers at school, so... 

[The video cuts to the same set without Nicole there. There is a stool, table, plant and books. We see 6 people walking onto the set, smiling, holding a banner that says ‘Class of 2025’.] 

[On-screen text: Nicole O’Brien] 

[Nicole walks back onto set, sits on the stool and picks up a question card that she reads from.] 

Nicole O’Brien: What's your name? My name is Nicole O'Brien, and I'm the very proud principal of a new school opening in Tarneit in 2025. 

[Nicole reads from question card and holds the framed photo of herself as a child.] 

Nicole: Who is this person in the photo and what are they thinking? The person in this photo is me when I was in prep. And I think they're thinking about all of the encyclopedias behind them that they can read, as well as all of the stickers they can get from their teachers. 

[Nicole reads from question card.] 

Nicole: What led you to being a school principal? I think I've always loved school, and I've had very inspiring leaders in my life who have been principals who I wanted to be like. So, that's why I'm a principal now. 

[Nicole reads from question card.] 

Nicole: What should your students call you? All of the students at my previous school called me Mrs O'Brien, and it was always with love. So definitely, Mrs O’Brien.  

[Nicole reads from question card.] 

Nicole: What's the best way for a student to get on your good side? I think using their manners and really being themselves. Because there's no better way to get to know someone then everybody being who they really are. 

[Nicole reads from question card.] 

Nicole: What are some of your greatest hopes for your new school? I have many. The main one is to build a school with a culture of deep gratitude and growth. And that deep gratitude is about us all recognising the strengths in one another and taking those strengths to an even better place.  

[Nicole reads from question card.] 

Nicole: Tell us about these architectural renders of your school.  

[Nicole holds a large image of an architectural render of her new school.] 

Nicole: So, this is one of the learning neighbourhoods that will be at the school. And I absolutely love this because there's opportunity here for students to work on their own, in small groups, and during explicit teaching with the teacher. You can just see here that naturally collaboration and working together is going to happen.  

[Nicole reads from question card.] 

Nicole: What's your strongest memory from school? I remember the four-square courts, and how they were marked out. And how we used to play at recess and lunch time together, on sports days and all of the events where the families came together and the assemblies where we were given certificates, with the, with the stickers again. So, yeah, they were, still are very strong memories.  

[Nicole reads from question card.] 

Nicole: Is there a quote, message, or motto that you live by? My favourite motto is “go slow to go fast”. That's for, for life and for leadership and, everybody that I work with as well, because sometimes I think we go too fast and we miss some of the really important things. 

[Nicole holds a card which says ‘Class of 2025’ and smiles at the camera.] 

[The video cuts to a polaroid image of Nicole with text.] 

[On-screen text: “go slow to go fast” and CLASS OF 2025] 

[The video cuts to 6 polaroid-style images of the 6 new 2025 principals appear on screen with quotes below each of the images.] 

[On-screen text: “Whatever it takes” “Go slow to go fast” “Leadership is about helping others realise their potential” “Education is not a preparation for life, it is life itself” “Always try your best, you don’t have to be the best” “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel”] 

[On-screen text: CLASS OF 2025] 

A white background appears with the VSBA and Victoria State Government logos.  

[On-screen text: 

A black background appears and white text appears.  

[On-screen text: Authorised by The Victorian School Building Authority, 33 St Andrews Place, East Melbourne]  

[Transcript ends]
