Meet Kristy Miller | Class of 2025

[A woman in a white jumper (Kristy Miller) is sat down on set holding a question card.]

Kristy Miller: Did you get into any trouble at school? No

[Kristy laughs.]

[Upbeat music plays.]

[The video cuts to the same set without Kristy there. There is a stool, table, plant and books. We see 6 people walking onto the set, smiling, holding a banner that says ‘Class of 2025’.]

[Kristy walks back on set, sits on the stool and picks up a question card.]

[On-screen text: Kristy Miller]

[Kristy reads from question card.]

Kristy: What's your name? My name is Kristy Miller, and I am a principal of one of the new schools in Clyde, and very blessed to be so.

[Kristy reads from question card.]

Kristy: What should your students call you? At school I'd like to be called Mrs. Miller.

[Kristy reads from question card.]

Kristy: What's the best way for a student to get on your good side? Using really great manners, being kind, respectful, caring, and really trying your best at all times. If you do all those things, then you're going to be definitely on my good side.

[Kristy reads from question card.]

Kristy: What led you to being a school principal? I never really aspired when I first entered this field of teaching to be a principal, but along my journey, I've been working with amazing people lots of leaders lots of other teachers that have really taught me to be who I am and to reach for the stars.

[Kristy reads from question card.]

Kristy: What are some of your greatest hopes for your new school? Opening a new school I feel like I have this really blessed opportunity to create a really great space. To be student-centred, that we celebrate the individual, really encourages diversity and strives for continual improvement.

[Person off camera hands Kristy a large architectural render of the new school.]

Kristy: To see my school in a picture is really, really exciting and just to have new is going to be great. No, it's absolutely incredible. I just feel really, really blessed and really, really fortunate to be in this position.

[Kristy reads from question card and holds two images of herself as a child.]

Kristy: Who is the person in the photo and what are you thinking?

These are two photos. One is my very first class photo when I was in Prep at Koo Wee Rup Primary School and my Grade 1 individual photo. And back then I was a quiet, shy little girl who knew what she wanted, who was quite determined, but kept it to herself and a very good girl.

[Kristy reads from question card.]

Kristy: What's your strongest memory from school? When I was in primary school, I was really shy, kept to myself. I didn't have a big friendship group. I had friends, but I didn't need a lot of friends. But what I did have was a really great teacher. His name was Mr. Manser and he probably is the reason why I began looking into becoming a teacher. He really made school for me a really comfortable, safe, enjoyable place to be. And that's probably my greatest memory, is just looking back on him.

[Kristy reads from question card.]

Kristy: Is there a quote, message or motto that you live by? Always try your best, you don't have to be the best. And I think if you try your best, you are going to go very far in life. And as I keep saying, just becoming a really great human. And I think if we can do that, we're going to be a great school.

[The video cuts to Nicole holding a ‘CLASS OF 2025’ sign and smiling.]

[The video cuts to a polaroid image of Kristy with text.]

[On-screen text: “Always try your best, you don’t have to be the best” and CLASS OF 2025]

[The video cuts to 6 polaroid-style images of the 6 new 2025 principals appear on screen with quotes below each of the images.]

[On-screen text: “Whatever it takes” “Go slow to go fast” “Leadership is about helping others realise their potential” “Education is not a preparation for life, it is life itself” “Always try your best, you don’t have to be the best” “Education is the kindling of a flame, not the filling of a vessel”]

[On-screen text: CLASS OF 2025]

[A white background appears with the VSBA and Victoria State Government logos.]

[A black background appears and white text appears.]

[On-screen text: Authorised by The Victorian School Building Authority, 33 St Andrews]

[End of transcript]
