Inclusive Schools Fund at Whittlesea Primary School

This video has chirpy upbeat music playing throughout.

[on screen text: Inclusive Schools Fund, Whittlesea Primary School]

The video alternates between people speaking to camera and panning shots of children playing on a colourful playground.

[on screen text: Ty Hoggins, Principal]

Ty Hoggins: The Inclusive Schools Fund is an opportunity for schools to source funding for school improvement, so there's equality and equity in our schools.

[on screen text: Bianca De Luca, Teacher]

Bianca De Luca: The school applied for the Inclusive Schools Fund and received the grant which went towards our new playground, which has more spaces on it, more components that are included, similar to park and play centre playgrounds with a swing included and an enclosed slide.

[on screen text: Angus, Student]

Angus: I feel like the new playground has a lot more options to like play on and you probably go there more to play on it.

[on screen text: Billie-Rose, Student]

Billie-Rose: My favourite thing is the spider web and you can like mess around in it and there’s little areas where you can just stand and sit.

[on screen text: Flynn, Student]

Flynn: It’s a lot more vibrant and colourful than the old one. The old one was very plain and dry.

Bianca: I've seen a lot of students playing on the new playground. We have a lot of play equipment already that was for specific year levels and this new equipment is now open to all ages, so it's great to see students also that may have been having challenges in the playground, coming together and playing with those of different age groups.

Ty: So this project has been really smooth and is a successful process for us. We've had great engagement with the architects originally who were really receptive to our school’s needs and then working with our project manager and the architects and the builder that was engaged, it’s come through on time and on budget and a successful project for everyone involved.

A white background appears with the VSBA and Victoria State Government logos.

[On-screen text:]

A black background appears and white text appears.

[On-screen text: Authorised by The Victorian School Building Authority, 33 St Andrews Place, East Melbourne]

[Transcript ends]
