Building Blocks funding program

[Cheerful music plays throughout]

[On-screen text: Building Blocks funding program]

[The Building Blocks illustrated logo shows children holding hands and playing.]

[The camera pans between a child colouring and two children playing in a teepee.]

[On-screen text: Sigi Hyett, Chief Executive Officer, Northern Schools Early Years Cluster]

Sigi Hyett: We applied for a Building Blocks grant in 2019, our first one. It's been just a remarkable transformation.

[The camera shows children playing in an outdoor playground and a sandpit.]

[On-screen text: Grants available for early childhood infrastructure in Victoria]

[The camera shows another outdoor playground with climbing apparatus, then transitions to a child painting in a classroom.]

[On-screen text: Build new or expand existing kindergartens]

[The camera shows a child walking along a wooden beam in an outdoor playground. We then see a child walking through a classroom full of toys and learning resources. We then see a child kneeling on the floor, holding a book and smiling at the camera.]

[On-screen text: Renovate or upgrade facilities]

Sigi: The environments that we've created have supported children's learning, supported children's development, and as we know, those first five years are the most important.

[The camera shows a child playing with Playdough in a classroom.]

[On-screen text: Improve play areas and teaching spaces to make them more inclusive]

[The camera shows 2 children playing on climbing apparatus in a school playground.We then see a group of smiling children jumping up and down in a school classroom.]

[On-screen text: Learn how your kinder or local council can apply for Building Blocks grants at]

[On-screen logo: Building Blocks illustrated logo showing children holding hands and playing]

[We see children leaving a school classroom. The camera then pans to children riding tricycles outdoors.]

[A white background appears with the VSBA and Victoria State Government logos.]

[On-screen text:]

[A black background appears and white text appears.]

[On-screen text: Authorised by The Victorian School Building Authority, 33 St Andrews Place, East Melbourne]

[Transcript ends]
