Coburg Special Developmental School – design release

[Upbeat music playing throughout]

[On-screen text: Josh Lambert, Student. Kate Lambert, Parent]

[The video opens with Josh and Kate sitting at a table in a school classroom.]

Kate: How do you feel about the new school, Josh?

Josh: Happy.

Kate: Happy! You’re happy? How does it make you go?

Josh: Yeah!

[Josh raises his arms above his head, smiling.]

[On-screen text: Coburg Developmental School, DESIGN RELEASE]

[On-screen text: Warren Tofts, Principal]

[Warren sits in the same classroom as Josh and Kate.]

Warren: The students are going to benefit from having these new school facilities because of the purposeful design. They will be able to have a range of opportunities opened-up to them in terms of their programs that we have here. We have such innovative and contemporary programs that the new facilities are going to allow us to really expand on those.

[The camera pans across an illustrated render of the school, showing school buildings around an outdoor playground.]

Kate: It's so exciting that we're going to be able to get these new facilities. The teachers are incredible here, and I think they deserve to be able to teach and create an even more amazing environment for these children somewhere that reflects just as good as they are. I'm excited to see how they're going to be able to use it. There's so many beautiful spaces, areas for sensory change and various other things, and I think it's going to be really exciting to see how it actually evolves once they're in it.

[The camera pans across an illustrated render showing the inside of a light-filled room. It has a circular table and chairs with a large green plant in the centre and patterns on the walls.]

Warren: What we're going to find with the new school buildings is an openness, a flexibility, really engaging and amazing learning spaces that are going to open up opportunities.

[The camera pans across an illustrated render of the school playground, showing climbing and play facilities.]

[The camera pans across a food technology classroom.]

Kate: The broader school community are going to be able to benefit in a number of ways. I think that we'll be able to have more students, and I think increasing the diversity of our student group is only going to be beneficial.

[We see Josh and Kate sitting in a classroom, looking at an illustrated render of the school.]

Warren: In terms of moving to new facilities, we're going to take a positive school culture to a highly stimulating environment that is really going to allow us to maximise our student outcomes.

[The camera shows a top-down aerial shot of the school site. A blue line is drawn-out to show the current location of the school.]

[On-screen text: Gaffney Street, Coburg, Current school location]

[The camera zooms out to pan across an aerial view of the surrounding area, showing where the new school site is located. A moving blue line marks out a route between the two points.]

[The camera zooms-in on the new site. A blue line is drawn out to show the boundary of the new school location.]

[On-screen text: Urquhart Street, Coburg. New school location]

Kate: The relocation of the school, I think is important because it allows us to build new relationships with other local schools in the area and it allows us to have a purpose built facility that allows these teachers to be able to teach in an environment that was actually built with the school community in mind.

[We see Josh holding the school render and placing it on the table in a school classroom. He looks at it with Kate.]

[A white background appears with the VSBA and Victoria State Government logos.]

[On-screen text:]

[A black background appears and white text appears.]

[On-screen text: Authorised by The Victorian School Building Authority, 33 St Andrews Place, East Melbourne]

[Transcript ends]
