- 12-24 Bradford Avenue Greenvale 3059
Kindergarten on a School Site
Q3 2023Planning
Q1 2025
The above dates are forecast only and subject to change.
About the project
We built a kindergarten at Greenvale Primary School.
This will help some families before and after school with drop-off and pick-up. It will also help some children make a smoother transition into primary school.
This new kindergarten has 2 rooms as well as outdoor learning areas. It can provide kindergarten for up to 66 children at a time. It may be able to enrol more local kids by spreading sessions throughout the week.
This kinder was previously known by the name of Greenvale Primary School Kindergarten (interim name).
Northern Schools Early Years Cluster has been appointed to run this kindergarten. Hume City Council is managing enrolments through their Central Registration and Enrolment Scheme. Please visit the webpage Apply for Kindergarten – Hume City Council.
This project shares in $283 million provided in the 2019–20 State Budget for Three-Year-Old Kindergarten capital funding.
Funding type
- Kindergarten on a School Site